Using the Socratic Method

Gather your group and choose a conversation

The topic of Classicism has three conversations…



Dance and Classicism

Dance and Classicism

Evolution of Classicism

Evolution of Classicism

Start with an Opening Question

Select a conversation leader to begin with an OPENING QUESTION.

The OPENING QUESTION is meant to start off an hour long group conversation.

It should be open ended enough to invite different responses.

Example: “Do you have to oppose the old to create the new?”

Questions linked to each image can be used throughout the conversation.

An example is here


Be sure that everyone has the opportunity to speak.

When possible refer directly to the images and writing selections on this website.

Keep in mind that this is not a hunt for the answer. A good question is more important.

It is a creative process; talking, listening and thinking to come to new understandings.

Listen and Share

Listen to one another. Practice looking critically at the works, and thinking.

This does take practice.

Be sincere, grow as an artist, and share your insights.