Classicism: Introduction

How can a dancer become a choreographer's Muse?

Apollo Instructs a Muse


How do colors enhance a dancer’s beauty?

Artemis with Dress and Bow

How can postures show different ways of being godly?



What if you worship gods as perfect nude humans?

Apollo Stares Down at Marsyas

What can a rectangle say to a wilderness?

Temple of Apollo


How can parts of a building be like dancers?

Interior of Temple of Apollo

What happens to us when a building lets in the sky?

The Pantheon


What can ballet learn from trees and columns?

Villa Rotunda

What is dance like in a building open to wilderness?

Epidauros Theater


What’s a dance when framed by straight lines?

Igor Dancing

How can bodies be made nobler by spaces they stand in?

School of Athens


What is ballet when a king is watching it?

Mariinsky Theater

Classicism: Dance

What is your path to the Classical Spirit?

Isadora Duncan


What is perfection in Ballet?

Nureyev in La Bayadére

How does Ballet transcend time?

Julie Kent


How does Ballet transform?

Peter Martins and Suzanne Farrell

Why do ballet dancers become world famous?

Maria Taglioni in La Sylphide


Does Ballet have different kinds of purity?

Arabesque in Golden Section

Where does what’s next come from?

In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated


How does Ballet balance the mind?

Sai Santhosh Radakrishnan

How is Ballet a discipline of Form

Baroque Equestrian Formations


Is Ballet sacred, cosmic, holy?

The Lord Shiva Nataraj

How do different arts share a concept?

Set design for La Morte di Ettore


Why should classical dance continue?

Japanese Noh

Classicism: Evolution

Can we look back in time?

Greek Vase with Different Sportsmen


How do you see life in a sculpture?

Apollo Belvedere

How important is it to understand what you see?

Vitruvian Man


Where do you begin to look?

A Dance to the Music of Time

Why did NASA name its space program Apollo?

Louis XIV as Apollo


How do you view the basics?

Ballet’s Five Positions

How do you know what something is telling you?

Mercury and Tallchief in Attitude


What does revolution mean to you?

Diaghilev and Stravinsky

Are you prepared to explore Classicism?

Afternoon of a Faun


How are you connected to the ideals of these men?

Kirstein and Balanchine

How does Ballet provide depth of experience?

Mitchell and Adams in Agon


What does constant learning look like?

Three Dancers in an Exercise Hall